Sardines (a small sardine about 6” in length will yield about 6 canapés)
Dijon mustard
Crème Fraîche
Sprigs of dill or fennel tops to garnish
Sea salt
You will also need: a filleting knife, tweezers, oil for deep frying
Remove the heads from the sardines and, using a sharp, flexible knife, remove the fillet from each side. This is easiest if you lie the sardines flat on a board and, starting at the head end, cut the skin just above the spine. Now run your knife along, following the spine and keeping your other hand flat on the top of the sardine. Turn over and repeat.
Using the tweezers, carefully feel for any remaining bones in the fillets and pull them out gently trying not to tear the flesh of the sardine.
Place the sardine fillets skin side up on the board and pinching the flesh gently, score the skin very lightly in parallel lines at 1/2 cm intervals on the diagonal. Turn the sardine and repeat the process slicing carefully perpendicular to the original cuts creating a cross-cross pattern of cuts. Set aside in the fridge.
Peel the potatoes and slice them finely using a mandolin then cut the slices to your desired shape and size. Wash them in cold water to remove the excess starch and drain and dry well on a tea towel.
Heat your chosen frying oil in a medium saucepan until it reaches 170 degrees c.
While the oil is heating, put a little mustard and crème fraîche in two separate squeezy bottles or piping bags. Remove the sardines from the fridge and cut to roughly the same size as the potato slices.
Fry the potato slices for 4-5 minutes until lightly golden and crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Sprinkle with sea salt.
Once cool, assemble the canapés by topping each crisp with a piece of sardine, a few dots of crème fraîche and mustard and the sprigs of dill.