
Miso-Glazed Celeriac Fondants


Units Scale
  • Celeriac Stock:
  • Celeriac trim & skin (from below)
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1/2 shallot; sliced
  • Madeira wine vinegar
  • Thyme
  • 1l water
  • Heaped tbsp white miso paste
  • Celeriac Fondant:
  • 1 Celeriac
  • 350g butter; melted
  • 10g Kombu powder
  • 250ml water
  • Herbs: rosemary, thyme, bay leaf
  • Chives
  • Lemon (to prevent celeriac oxidising)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°c.
  2. Peel the celeriacs placing the trim and skins in a bowl with lemon water.
  3. Depending on the size of the celeriac, slice it into 2-3 slices vertically (about a 2-3cm thickness).
  4. Cut each of the celeriac slices with a 8cm metal ring by pushing the ring through the centre to create the fondant shape (trim sides with a peeler to smoothing out the edges).
  5. Place the shaped celeriac, the celeriac trim and skin in lemon water to prevent oxidation.
  6. Celeriac Stock: In large pot add the drained chopped celeriac trim and skin in a heated pan with oil. Begin to caramelise/colour the celeriac trim adding in the sliced shallots, thyme and then deglazing with a splash of Madeira vinegar.
  7. Cover the celeriac with water. Bring celeriac to a light boil and cook/reduce down for about 1 hour.
  8. Celeriac Fondant: In a deep oven dish; place in shaped celeriac, water, melted butter, kombu powder, bay leaf, thyme and rosemary. Cover with a cartouche (parchment paper) and cook in the oven for 1hr 30mins (till cooked through).
  9. Pass celeriac stock through a fine sieve and whisk in the heap tbsp of miso paste.
  10. Once fondant celeriac is ready, heat up a pan with oil on medium heat. sear celeriac fondant on both sides in the oil to create a deep crust. Then glaze the celeriacs with some of the fondant cooking liquid and stock liquid.
  11. Ladle in 3 parts of the celeriac stock and 1 part of the fondant cooking liquid to the slightly glazed celeriac fondants. Continue to baste celeriacs with the liquid mix and reduce down to a glaze. Finish miso-glazed celeriac fondant with a sprinkle of chopped chives and serve on the side of celeriac purée (optional).

Fallow Restaurant London